the lemon water life
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The 90 Day Reset

A 3 month program designed to help you reset your current habits & routines

I’m a holistic nutritionist that specializes in helping everyday people like you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way through nutrition, movement & daily habits.

My signature program was named The 90 Day Reset because we do just that, take 90+ days & reset our lives.

You’ll be focusing on editing your current habits to make them just a little bit healthier, you’ll be making some small adjustments to your diet to help you increase your energy & keep you feeling satiated throughout the day to avoid those cravings and binges, & you’ll be learning about the fun little changes you can make in your daily life to leave you feeling better than you’ve ever felt.

My clients leave feeling educated, capable, energized, & confident in their ability to make informed choices that are better for their overall health.

Everyone needs a reset. This is your sign that it’s time to kick-start yours.

The Lemon Water Life 90 Day Reset includes the following:

  • customized protocol that takes into account your individual needs & goals

  • weekly 1:1 check ins with me (a personalized video sent to you)

    • During these check ins I’ll be deep-diving into exactly what’s going on in your week (diet, sleep, stress, energy, etc) & give you takeaways to focus on to help you get closer to your goals. Think of these check ins as your personal cheerleader connecting the dots for you as to why the scale jumps up when you XYZ, as well as inviting you to challenge negative beliefs or associations you might have that are preventing you from reaching your maximum potential. You’ll be giggling at my sass but also taking notes because I’ll be dropping nuggets of wisdom that will truly help you transform your relationship with your body, the scale, & life in general

  • daily coaching support from me (via WhatsApp)

Who is this program perfect for?

  • those who are struggling to lose weight (but more importantly, keep it off)

  • those who are sick of yo-yo and fad dieting and want to make actual changes in their lives

  • those who are looking to understand their menstrual cycle and how it impacts their fat loss

  • those who struggle with disorders such as PCOS, endometriosis, pre/menopause, diabetes, etc

  • those who are sick of all the nutrition misinformation there is online

  • those who want accountability and support from a coach

  • those who live moderate-high stress lives who have a hard time losing those few extra lbs.

  • those who are parents and deserve to take care of themselves (finally!)

  • those who are coachable and are willing to do the work - this program is step 1 but step 2 is actually putting in the effort!

The habits that got you to where you are, aren’t going to be the same habits that get you to where you want to be so set up a call with me to chat about how we can get you to achieving your goals in a sustainable and realistic way!

Increased energy, smaller clothes, improved relationship with food..

If you’re looking for a sign, this is it

Sign up below or book a free call with me to chat a little more!